
Should AI development be paused worldwide? Analyzing the pros and cons for Latin America

It is no secret that artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly, and Latin America is not exempt from this trend. An open letter that proposes a 6-month pause in the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 has sparked intense debate. In this blog post, we’ll explore whether this pause is an effective idea for Latin America. We’ll also explore what could happen if we implement it, considering Latin American countries’ unique characteristics.

The Pros: The Advantages of Pausing AI Experiments in Latin America

  1. Addressing Bias, Fairness, and Safety in AI: If we pause worldwide AI development, researchers could focus on resolving issues such as bias in AI systems and improving their safety. For instance, a partial AI system might discriminate against indigenous communities by failing to consider their cultural and linguistic differences. As an example, an AI system that grants financial credits using demographic and socioeconomic data could systematically deny credits to indigenous communities. This is because of bias in their training data. This could limit their access to resources and opportunities.

  2. Focus on Local Problems and Promoting Regional Collaboration: Pausing AI development would allow Latin American researchers and laboratories to focus on developing systems that address specific problems in Latin American countries while promoting regional collaboration. By working together to adapt AI to current issues like dengue prevention, improving air quality in the most polluted cities, and optimizing water resources distribution in drought-prone areas, Latin American countries could develop synergies and more suitable solutions. This would help drive technological and economic development in this part of the world.

  3. Technological Update in Latin America: Pausing worldwide AI development could give Latin American countries the time needed to catch up with advancing technologies and address issues related to technological infrastructure and AI adoption in various sectors. For example, improving internet connectivity in rural areas, training the workforce in digital skills, and promoting digital inclusion. This is crucial to ensure that Latin America can take full advantage of AI benefits and be better prepared to address future challenges.

The Cons: Disadvantages of Pausing AI Experiments in Latin America

  1. Aggravating Technological Backwardness and Progress Delay: While pausing AI development could benefit local adaptation, it could also delay technological progress in Latin America. Worldwide AI development leads to advances in various fields such as medicine, security, and process automation. This could translate into improvements in the quality of life and the economy. The halting of AI development could leave Latin America behind and suffer long-term consequences.

  2. Loss of Opportunities: The pause in AI development could mean the loss of opportunities for Latin American researchers and entrepreneurs who may have been working on relevant and promising AI projects. Additionally, economic and investment opportunities related to AI development could arise in other countries where such censorship is not implemented. Latin America could miss out on these opportunities.

  3. Technological and Economic Dependence: If worldwide AI development is halted, Latin America could become even more dependent on nations with advanced AI systems, both technologically and economically. This could hinder the region’s ability to innovate, maintain competitiveness on the global market, and develop local solutions to specific problems. For example, it could widen the digital divide between Latin America and more advanced countries. This could affect the region’s ability to compete in the global economy and take advantage of AI opportunities.

The pause in worldwide AI development is a thought-provoking idea that has both benefits and drawbacks for Latin America. It is a necessity to recognize that AI advances have significant implications for the economy, society, and politics. Latin America must be ready to face these challenges and take advantage of AI opportunities. Instead of halting AI development, we should look for ways to maximize its potential while ensuring ethical and safe implementation. We should also promote regional collaboration.